
How much does it cost to install a power inverter

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The inverter simply connection is connect with battery directly, then for how much doest it cost to install a power inverter is only need to care about the power inverter and battery and battery charger cost. This article is for detail introduction for how much does it cost to install a inverter in the solar power system.

How much does it cost to install a power inverter


In order to calculate how much does it cost to install a power inverter for PV system, you need to consider following point: Equipment cost, Installed capacity, Subsidy policy. More information needed, feel free to contact with sales01@chinacarspa.com



how much does it cost to install inverter

I.e. PV inverter, solar panel, etc
Different photovoltaic installation companies have their own pricing standards. At present, the reasonable construction cost of photovoltaic systems is generally about 8-10 RMB per watt. PV modules account for about 49% of the total investment, inverters and other electrical equipment account for about 10%, and cables and supports account for about 10% respectively. These items account for a high proportion. So for the solar power system, not only to think how much does it cost to install inverter, you need also think about other cost.



Installed capacity

How to calculate the installed capacity of your home? Two main points to look at: monthly electricity consumption and installable area. According to the current actual power consumption, it is economical to judge how many kilowatts of photovoltaic power stations need to be installed. It is also possible to build a power station with a little more power, so that the electricity that is not used up can be connected to the grid and sold to the state.
Calculation method: Each kilowatt photovoltaic power generation system can generate four kilowatt hours of electricity every day, requiring 10 square meters of installation area. As long as the power generation of the photovoltaic power station is greater than the power consumption of the home, it can drive all the electrical appliances in the home.
For example, 360 degrees of electricity is used every month at home, and the roof can be installed with an area of 50 square meters.
According to the calculation method, a 3KW photovoltaic power generation system can be installed at home to meet all monthly electricity consumption, with an installation area of 30 square meters. If you want to make full use of the roof of your home, you can install a maximum of 5 kilowatts of photovoltaic power generation system, which can not only meet the needs of your home, but also upload excess electricity to the national grid to make money selling electricity.



inverter setup cost

On August 26, 2013, the China National Development and Reform Commission determined that the national subsidy for distributed photovoltaic power generation was 0.42 RMB/kWh (before tax), with a principle period of 20 years. In addition, there are local subsidies, which vary from province to province. For this, local policies should be consulted. So the inverter setup cost can be lower when consider the subsidy policy..

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